Course curriculum

    1. Overview and Learning Objectives

    1. Series Overview

    2. Lesson 1: A Good Year Through God's Unchanging Goodness

    3. Lesson 1 Quiz

    4. Lesson 2: Preparing for Eternity Through God’s Goodness

    5. Lesson 2 Quiz

    6. Lesson 3: Recognizing Our Wretchedness and Embracing God’s Righteousness

    7. Lesson 3 Quiz

    8. Lesson 4: Embracing Repentance to Unlock God’s Enduring Goodness

    9. Lesson 4 Quiz

    10. Lesson 5: The Gift of Kenosis and the Rhythm of Revival

    11. Lesson 5 Quiz

    12. Lesson 6: Cultivating a Good Year Through Persistent Faith and Divine Focus

    13. Lesson 6 Quiz

This course contains:

  • 14 lessons